Saturday, November 12, 2011

Once Upon A Time...

Bryce and I met October 19, 2007... Our darling friend Cherise Bona Warner lined us up! Ü Cherise and I have been best buddies practically since we were born!! Our families have always been really close! So it was easy for us to keep in touch after my family moved to St George. So one day I get a call from Cherise telling me her friend from high school is moving to St George to live with his Dad and work with him in Vegas while he gets ready for his mission. She told me how great Bryce was and was determined I had to meet him. I was not so fond of being lined up but since it was Reese I agreed. Like two months ( ha something like that - seemed like forever) later Bryce called me...I still was pretty skeptical about this whole situation, but thought if nothing else we could be friends... I invited him to this surprise party we were having for Lyndsi and he said he would come. After giving him horrible directions, Michelle finally talked to him and he arrived. I remember he called me and told me he was here, so I walked outside to meet him and I was PLEASANTLY surprised!! He was incredibly handsome and totally sexy! I thought to myself...Mmmhmm we can definitely be friends!! Ü I gave him a BIG hug right of the bat! I invited him in and just in time for all us girls to get our picture taken with the birthday girl, I felt bad leaving him alone when he had just gotten there, but he says that was the moment he fell in love with me when I was standing there smiling and glancing at him apologizing for ditching him momentarily. Ü ..... So we carved pumpkins that night and I got another hug at the end of the night and we planned to have a "real" date the next night!

So the next night (Saturday) I met him at the Bloomington Wal-Mart, he was getting some supplies we would need for the night! Ü Bryce had planned have a little campfire and make s'mores and basically give us a chance to get to know each other! I know I am one lucky girl - he is totally adorable!! Ü haha so this just so happens to be one of the greatest stories of all time Ü haha so we get to the place he had picked out and it was perfect! Except I was retarded and didn't bring a jacket...whoopsies maybe it was wishful thinking someone else would keep me warm ;) haha anyways, it was freezing so Bryce went to get the fire started and realized he forgot the paper or something to get the fire going Ü whoopsies! ha so we emprovized and found some cardboard boxes and got the fire going. We sat down and just started chatting trying to learn more about each other when all of the sudden Bryce feels his foot is pretty hot and he looks down to find his pants are on FIRE!! ah! haha he got the fire out but sad day those were his fav pants! He recovered quickly and we got back to chatting but before long the cops showed up! ha wow what a night ;) They asked us if we had been drinking...what!?! ha and then told us we weren't allowed to be there...bonus, it just so happens one of the officiers was a patient at the office I was working for at the time! haha so pretty much decided we had better call it a night after that! Needless to say I am certain Bryce felt like it was a trainwreck - but it wasn't... it was the most perfect/fun first date I have ever been on!! Ü

So from that time on Bryce and I became best friends!! He was working in Vegas Monday through Thursay. So we would talk on the phone each night and I would always tell him Thursdays were my favorite because he came home!! He would tell me all kinds of stories when we would talk on the phone everynight and I LOVED every minute of it! He has the best stories and the cutest laugh!! He has been an angel in my life since day one!! I am so grateful to be married to the man of my dreams!! .... more of the story to come....

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