Sunday, November 20, 2011

Graduate!!!! Ü

November 18, 2011
Can't believe it still seems so surreal...I am officially done with my Radiology Technologist Program! Tomorrow is graduation and it still just hasn't sunk in! I can't believe this day is finally here! As I look back on the past 2 years...well the past 4 years that I have been in school I know I couldn't have done it without all the support and encouragement I constantly got from my sweet family and friends! I feel so blessed!!
After graduation, the studying doesn't cease just more test..The Registry...December 7, 2011!! Then let the celebration begin!!!...& possibly more schooling...what!? ;) we will see!! Ü......

Can't believe I can finally say.... I GRADUATED!!! What a wonderful feeling!! I graduated on November 19th!! It was do great! I worked the night shift the night before so I got off work and 7:30 I came home, showered, and crawled into bed for a few hours. When I woke up Bryce was in the front room with a gorgeous bouquet of sunflowers and all sorts of other beautiful flowers and two big gift bags! I was totally surprised!! He is so cute!! He wrote me the sweetest note and had gotten me the cutest new temple bag and a super cute BIG bag to take my world in when we travel! Ü He is so thoughtful!! I just love him to pieces!! It was a fun morning/afternoon with him! Then we got ready and went to graduation, it started at 4! It was fun! Kinda crazy to think we are finally done with the program and ready to start working!!! Ü After graduation we went to my parents house for a dinner celebration! Ü It was so fun! Grandpa & Grandma Taylor were there and cute Kathy (Larry was working in SLC)! It was a fun night celebrating with my cute family!! I feel so blessed to have such supportive family!! Everyone of them are constantly encouraging me and supporting me! Always boosting me up, believing I can do anything I put my mind to! They are such a blessing in my life!!! I am so SO grateful!!! Ü

Sweet letter from my babe!! Ü He is so thoughtful! I am one lucky girl ♥

Oh and the gorgeous bouquet I woke up to the morning of graduation!!

My Mom!! She is ALWAYS there to hear me out! I am so grateful for her!!

My parents have been so supportive & encouraging I am forever grateful!! ♥

My boys!! How I love them! They always brighten my day!

My Dad always made me feel like I could do ANYTHING I put my mind to! Ü

Grampy & Grammy Taylor! Oh how I love them too!!

They always reminded me how proud of me they are - what gets your

heart more then making your grandparents proud!? I love them so much!!

I have the GREATEST grandparents ever - Grampy & Grammy Abel are SO

sweet & supportive too!!

I truly do have so much to be grateful for!

My cute sis! aka...Cheerleader! Ü

She has always been there to vent to, cry to, & laugh with!

Ha I will never forget when I came home SOO beyond stressed and overwhelmed,

I just bawled and bawled and all Aims could do is laugh!

ha ha so rude ;)...but it was just what I needed to realize how pathetic I was being.

I ended up laughing right along with her! Ü

My sunshine! Ü

I would be lost without his constant encouragement, love & support!

He has been such a light in my life!!
Erin & Krista! Love these girls!! Ü

Love my Aubs! Ü

1 comment:

  1. Sorry still trying to learn this blogging stuff...not sure whats with all the spacing!
